
A weekend in London

Immersed in history, London's rich seams of eye-opening antiquity are everywhere. The city's buildings are striking milestones in a unique and beguiling biography, and a great many of them – the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben – are instantly recognisable landmarks. There’s more than enough innovation (the Shard, the Tate Modern extension, the planned Garden Bridge) to put a crackle in the air, but it never drowns out London’s seasoned, centuries-old narrative.


гр. Стара Загора, 6000
ул. “Свети Княз Борис I” 87


Тел: 042666621, 042666631
Моб. тел: 0888342222, 0889331222, 0878672824
Email: office@joytravel-bg.com, joytravel@abv.bg

Работно време

Понеделник – Петък /от 10:00 до 18:00/
Събота и Неделя /Почивен ден/

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