
Magnificent Seville

While history reverberates all around, Seville is as much about the here and now as the past. It’s about eating tapas in a crowded bar or seeing out the end of the day over a drink on a buzzing plaza. The sevillanos have long since mastered the art of celebrating and the city’s great annual festivals, notably the Semana Santa and Feria de Abril, are among Spain’s most heartfelt.


гр. Стара Загора, 6000
ул. “Свети Княз Борис I” 87


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Моб. тел: 0888342222, 0889331222, 0878672824
Email: office@joytravel-bg.com, joytravel@abv.bg

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Понеделник – Петък /от 10:00 до 18:00/
Събота и Неделя /Почивен ден/

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