HomeTag Safari

Capetown, Africa

Cape Town is a port city on South Africa’s southwest coast, on a peninsula beneath the imposing Table Mountain. Slowly rotating cable cars climb to the mountain’s flat top, from which there are sweeping views of the city, the busy harbor and boats heading for Robben Island, the notorious prison that once held Nelson Mandela, which is now a living museum.


гр. Стара Загора, 6000
ул. “Свети Княз Борис I” 87


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Моб. тел: 0888342222, 0889331222, 0878672824
Email: office@joytravel-bg.com, joytravel@abv.bg

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Понеделник – Петък /от 10:00 до 18:00/
Събота и Неделя /Почивен ден/

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